Against all doubt2024-08-12T08:05:52+02:00

Use stress as a platform, walk your path to success with ease!

Get stronger against Burnout!

Burnout Coach

Hey, I’m Tanja!

Against all doubt, you can…

…reach your goals

…prevent yourself from burning out!

…prevent exhaustion on your own!

…be yourself!

…accept yourself!

What you can expect

When life gives you lemons…

We all know this saying, but how are you supposed to make lemonade out of a career change, a stressful boss or colleague, a divorce, a loss or other personal and professional challenges? With the STRONG model, you will recognize your path and receive the necessary support every step of the way.

Structured approach for your success

With the STRONG model, you can take control of your success. With 5 clear steps and individual strategies, I support you in mastering the adventure of life and being successful and resilient in the process.

Successful and resilient through challenging times

Turning work pressure into productivity, achieving personal and professional goals and staying mentally healthy? You can do this with the right tools. With the STRONG model you formulate your goals and the steps you take to achieve your goals, as well as your sources of energy.

What others say about me

Thank you for your valuable assessment Tanja 😊👍 Mark
Thank you very much, for your always valuable advice and the open ear. I appreciate the exchange with you and your profound and situationally appropriate questions and impulses very much. They always give me an exciting and new perspective on the situation and help me to work on the topics strengthened and with new inspiration. Janina
You are such a great, cheerful person. So many more will benefit from this. Moni

The STRONG Model

End the stress cycle

We all experience stressful situations every day and we should end them in the evening. This is the only way for our body to realize that it can now switch to relaxation.

Finding triggers

The very first task in burnout prevention is to find out what triggers stress in you. And that means positive and negative stress. What are your triggers?

Open for change

The third step in burnout prevention is to consider which triggers can be changed and which cannot. In other words, can you switch off triggers, or do you have to learn to deal with them differently?

New Resilience

Resilience is not a characteristic that you are born with and that is simply always equally good. Resilience is more like a muscle that you can build up and then have to train again and again to maintain it.

Energy sources

Take a look at the different areas and people in your life. I think you will find things that you do that give you energy and others that rob you of energy.

With the STRONG model, you can take your life into your own hands and make yourself fit for life’s adventures!

You can find out more about the STRONG model here:Burnout prevention – A 5 Step plan

Stronger against Burn-out

Forest path with sunbeams

Job, family, free time – sometimes it’s all too much for you?
Learn strategies that make you STRONGER!

What I offer you

Forest path with sunbeams

Burnout Prevention

Forest background with an autumn branch in the foreground and the 3 words: self admission, stressors and change

Burnout Support

Burnout prevention talk for Employers

Burnout Talk

Colorful post with arrows pointing in different directions.

What is Burnout?

Why I became a Life Coach

You’re wondering what prompted me to become a life coach? After all, I have a full-time job?! Then you’ll find out here how I came to have a second job.

My story in 3 chapters:

  1. One door closes and another opens
  2. The realization
  3. The maturing process
Burnout talk for Employers

Burn-out check

You want to know where you are in the spiral of exhaustion. Answer 9 questions and find out!

Here are some posts on burnout

Vacation as a Source of Energy: More Than Just Recharging the Batteries

By |08/14/2024|Categories: Burn-out, Travel|Tags: , , , , , , , |

In recent months, a clear trend has emerged on social media: "Off on vacation [...]

Here are some of my personal learnings

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What you always wanted to know about online Life Coaching

Why online coaching?2021-12-23T19:24:04+01:00

There are many reasons why I chose to offer my services online.

Here are the three most important ones:

  • In addition to all the daily tasks, I wanted to save you from having to drive to a life coach
  • You should feel as comfortable as possible during our sessions.
  • Professional and private travels should not get in the way of our conversations.

To these good reasons I now add Corona. In my work at the children’s and youth telephone it becomes clear to me again and again, that just now such an offer is very important.

Learn more

What are the causes of burn-out2022-01-07T20:01:09+01:00

One thing is clear here and that is that a burn-out does not occur overnight, but over a longer period of time, sometimes even years. Otherwise, there are many possible factors that promote burn-out.

If one follows the opinion of the WHO, burn-out only develops at the workplace, through the external stress there. But there are also other factors that play a big role here. And often it is not only an external stress, but this is still strengthened by internal factors.

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What does a Life Coach do?2021-12-23T19:20:53+01:00

A Life Coach will help you to take a good look at your life and see all the good things as well as work with you on the topics you would like to improve. He will help you to see the strength you have, the resources you can build on and change the perspective on some things.

Learn more

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