Change your life2022-02-05T17:40:28+01:00

Change your life

You are facing a life change? No matter if the change is dictated to you by external factors or you want that change your life- it is always an emotional process. You need courage and it will cost you energy. I am very happy to support you through this time!

A graph showing perceived competence on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The curve depicts the 6 phases of change.

Especially if you are forced to change your life through external factors like restructuring of your company, separation from your loved one or something similar the change causes often fear or anger. In this case we will start our work based on the phase model of change from Kurt Lewin.

One essential factor is how we think we can cope with the change of life. This is present throughout all 6 phases.

Phase 1: Shock/ Surprise

In this phase you are surprised by the change. You didn’t ask or wished for it. You are in shock and you don’t know how to handle the situation.

Phase 2: Denial

After the first shock resistance against the change starts to build. You don’t want to accept that this is the new situation. This is all just a bad joke!

Phase 3: Rational understanding

You have accepted the change rationally and understand now why it is needed. But what now? What should I do? This phase can cause a lot of frustration.

Workshop “Time to reflect”

Time to reflect

Do you see the fog or the possibilities?
REFLECT what you want!

Phase 4: Emotional acceptance

In this phase you investigate your values and behaviors and you think about what is needed in this new situation. This means you have to take a look at what this change means for you- this might hurt but is very important.

Phase 5: Trial and Error

Now you made it through the trough of disillusionment and can test new behaviors. If they work you feel safer, you now think you can cope with the change. Unfortunately, there might be setbacks, because the new way doesn’t work completely yet. Together we find your new way!

Phase 6: Insight and integration

You made it, you used the change to strengthen yourself! You now have new strategies to cope with this change, and also with future changes.

But not only for the forced changes, but also for the changes you want there are ways to support you, e. g. using positive visualization of the future or dissolving blockades.

Do you find yourself in these descriptions? Contact me for a noncommittal initial discussion and take the first step to get your life back into balance.

Forced to change your life

Forced to change

The six phases of change, at which stage are you?

Tanja Haag Life Coach

Tanja Haag

What others say about me

Thank you very much, for your always valuable advice and the open ear. I appreciate the exchange with you and your profound and situationally appropriate questions and impulses very much. They always give me an exciting and new perspective on the situation and help me to work on the topics strengthened and with new inspiration. Janina
Thank you for your valuable assessment Tanja 😊👍
You are such a great, cheerful person. So many more will benefit from this.

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What you always wanted to know about online Life Coaching

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In 1973, Freudenberger created the term burn-out in the United States. At that time, he described the burn-out of people in caring or social professions. Today, burn-out is no longer seen only in social professions. According to a study by Statista from 2017 with 649 respondents, it emerges that in the service sector most respondents (14%) estimate the risk of burn-out to be the highest. With 11%, health, care and social services are still the second most affected group. In the area of administration, management and office work, 9% of the respondents still estimate their risk as high.

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There are many reasons why I chose to offer my services online.

Here are the three most important ones:

  • In addition to all the daily tasks, I wanted to save you from having to drive to a life coach
  • You should feel as comfortable as possible during our sessions.
  • Professional and private travels should not get in the way of our conversations.

To these good reasons I now add Corona. In my work at the children’s and youth telephone it becomes clear to me again and again, that just now such an offer is very important.

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What are the causes of burn-out2022-01-07T20:01:09+01:00

One thing is clear here and that is that a burn-out does not occur overnight, but over a longer period of time, sometimes even years. Otherwise, there are many possible factors that promote burn-out.

If one follows the opinion of the WHO, burn-out only develops at the workplace, through the external stress there. But there are also other factors that play a big role here. And often it is not only an external stress, but this is still strengthened by internal factors.

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