Change your life
You are facing a life change? No matter if the change is dictated to you by external factors or you want that change your life- it is always an emotional process. You need courage and it will cost you energy. I am very happy to support you through this time!
Especially if you are forced to change your life through external factors like restructuring of your company, separation from your loved one or something similar the change causes often fear or anger. In this case we will start our work based on the phase model of change from Kurt Lewin.
One essential factor is how we think we can cope with the change of life. This is present throughout all 6 phases.
Phase 1: Shock/ Surprise
In this phase you are surprised by the change. You didn’t ask or wished for it. You are in shock and you don’t know how to handle the situation.
Phase 2: Denial
After the first shock resistance against the change starts to build. You don’t want to accept that this is the new situation. This is all just a bad joke!
Phase 3: Rational understanding
You have accepted the change rationally and understand now why it is needed. But what now? What should I do? This phase can cause a lot of frustration.
Phase 4: Emotional acceptance
In this phase you investigate your values and behaviors and you think about what is needed in this new situation. This means you have to take a look at what this change means for you- this might hurt but is very important.
Phase 5: Trial and Error
Now you made it through the trough of disillusionment and can test new behaviors. If they work you feel safer, you now think you can cope with the change. Unfortunately, there might be setbacks, because the new way doesn’t work completely yet. Together we find your new way!
Phase 6: Insight and integration
You made it, you used the change to strengthen yourself! You now have new strategies to cope with this change, and also with future changes.
But not only for the forced changes, but also for the changes you want there are ways to support you, e. g. using positive visualization of the future or dissolving blockades.
Do you find yourself in these descriptions? Contact me for a noncommittal initial discussion and take the first step to get your life back into balance.
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Here, one can particularly highlight 3 groups of people. What all three groups have in common is that they are people who are highly self-motivated and want to achieve a lot on their own initiative. Only the motives are different.
Group 1: Perfectionists
In this group we find people who are very ambitious and committed to the tasks assigned to them and who want to get it right down to the last dot.
Group 2: Performance-oriented people
This group consists of very determined, dynamic people. They like to exert themselves and often enjoy doing so. However, if there is a lack of recognition from outside or if there are failures, this situation can become very stressful. This group also needs a certain amount of freedom to pursue their goals and needs a high degree of self-responsibility.
Group 3: Selfless people
This group approaches things with a lot of idealism. They are often selfless and responsible. They care about the welfare of others above all else. We usually find them in social professions.
These groups certainly do not describe all unambiguously and there are certainly also affected and endangered who have a mixture of the described characteristics, but should also only give an impression.
Life Balance
There is a lot of talk concerning finding your life balance. There is also more than one live balance model out there, but the one I like is from Nossrat Peseschkian.
Learn more
A Life Coach will help you to take a good look at your life and see all the good things as well as work with you on the topics you would like to improve. He will help you to see the strength you have, the resources you can build on and change the perspective on some things.
You will find what I experienced and how it made me the person I am now. Because in every challenge there is also something to learn about yourself. The biggest and ongoing learning is to be yourself- against all doubt from yourself and others.
Also, you get some free input about methods I use during the Life Coaching and how they worked for me. Not every method will work for you too, but I am sure together we can find something that works for you!
Read more of my learnings