My first 12 month of blogging.

Are doubts holding you back?

Yes, Against all doubt is having its first birthday!

And I had a lot of doubts, but they didn’t hold me back.

When I started this blog, my goal was to write one Learning per month. Since I had read that before you start your blog, you should ensure that there is enough topics you can write about, I made a list of topics. I found 22 interesting learnings so I figured I can start. And guess what, I managed to write about 8 of them so far and not because I didn’t write a learning per month. But while doing this, more and more stuff came to my mind that felt more important than the topics I had imagined writing about.

One of the not planned topics is this Birthday article :-).

Looking back, I not only wrote about my learnings, but also took you with me on my trip through Peru and Bolivia as well as to Nizza and the Lake Constance. I relived with you my travel to Columbia in a time when traveling was not an option anymore. Last but not least I have added my own Life Coaching business to the site.

To be honest whith you, when I started, I did have 3 major doubts:

  1. Is it a good idea to tell so much about myself, normally I am a very private person?
  1. Can I handle a homepage- I had never done this before?
  1. Would people be interested in what I have to say?

Putting myself out there

I really was afraid of putting myself out there. To give you an idea about how I normally handle things: My mum told me after reading all of my learnings that even she learned some things about me. So what started as a fear actually was something very good for me. By writing down all those learnings, I did let things go – even though I was not aware they still troubled me. Putting the first learning out there was like walking naked through the street for me. Now it feels more liberating than fearful.

Workshop “Time to reflect”

Time to reflect

Do you see the fog or the possibilities?
REFLECT what you want!

Homepage building

When it comes to programming software or getting the right user interface, so far I only have been defining it. I am used to say what I want to have and then fortunately somebody else does it. And even if the Homepage does not exactly look like I would like to have it, I am really proud of having accomplished it! This was also possible thanks to some help I got here and there from people who know what they are doing as well as through using themes and plugins to make my life easier. Because no, I have not become a programmer. As I am sure you have noticed, the pictures have gotten more professional. This is thanks to my good friend Verena who is not only doing this, but also proof reading all my posts.

Write something interesting

Here I am – still in doubt. Yes, I can see that my posts are read and I do get positive feedback from friends and family, but am I really helping people with my stories? Am I inspiring people? Well I hope to overcome this last doubt in the next 12 months.

Are doubts holding you back? I learned a few things, by overcoming mine:

  • Having doubts should not hold you back!
  • Even things you feared can have a positive ending.
  • You have to be gentle with yourself when starting something new, it won’t be perfect from the beginning.

What is holding you back from the things you would love to do?

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Focus Topics

Graphic centered on work-life balance and 4 topics that contribute to it: Family/ Social Contacts; Work/ Finance; Body/ Health and Meaning/ Values

Life Balance

An important factor of burnout prevention is your individual life balance. We are happy to go deeper into this in a one-on-one coaching session or you can take the time for the “Time to reflect”.

A graph showing perceived competence on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The curve depicts the 6 phases of change.

Change your life

The O in the STONG formula speaks of open for change. This is not an easy thing to do.

If you are facing a change right now and you need support, we can do that in a one-on-one coaching session.

A person at the center on whom the environment, family, hobbies, workplace and values/beliefs have an impact.

Stress management

You know that this is your topic to work on. Then we can focus together on the TR and G from the STRONG formula. This goes again in the individual coaching or the workshop “Time to reflect”.