Short trip to Nice

On the road at 4 in the morning for my short trip to Nice. Lucky me- I was welcomed with sunshine.

So after checking in I went to the beach- La Promenad des Anglais” and enjoyed the ocean and the sun.

La Promenad des Anglais

Burnout has become a widespread disease that affects more and more people. But you can not only act when you are already in a burnout, but also preventively.

There are some things you can use for yourself to make yourself STRONG against burnout. For burnout prevention I have developed my own formula, which supports you to take care of yourself.

Burnout Prevention- a 5 step plan

Because, yes, employers also have homework to do at this point, which I have described in Burnout Prevention at Work, but you can also protect yourself.

Burnout prevention is not the task of one party, but by working together we can put Burnout in its place.

Forest path with sunbeams and the words: self admission, finding triggers, active change, resilience, Energy sources

S- Self-admission

Yes, as with Burnout itself, it is important that you admit to yourself that you need to take action. That you are not just STRONG by itself.

Because let’s be honest, each of us feels stress at times. And if you look at the exhaustion spiral of Unger and Kleinschmidt then one point or another from phase 1 is certainly familiar to us.

There is no shame in working on yourself!

TR – Trigger finding

The very first thing we have to do is to find out what triggers stress in us. Namely, the positive and negative stress. What are trigger? Is it for example the bad comment from your colleague, or the extra task you got. Or is it things like the noise from the street when you are lying in bed at night, or your partner who is always doing xy. All these can be triggers. As a small support for this you can download a list of possible stress factors.

My first visit is to the “Parc de la Colline du Château” The views here are amazing! The castle was first named by the Greek NIKAIA in the 3rd century BC. In the early christian times a cathedral “Sainte Marie” was build here, but unfortunalty this is completly distroyed. In the late 19th century it was converted into a park.

Parc de la Colline du Château_2
Parc de la Colline du Château
palast of the prince of Monaco

From there I went to the port and than to the Place Garibaldi for lunch.

A funny thing  about the old town is, that all the street sings are in two languages, French and Nissart (old Occitan language of the region).

On my last day at the Côte d’Azure I decided to visit Monaco. On no- I did not go and play in the casino in Mote Carlo, but went to the palast of the prince of Monaco and walked through the gardens

and learned an interesting fact. In January 1297 Francesco Grimaldi used a trick to gain access to the Genoan Fortress on “the rock”. Disguised as a Monk he gained access and managed to overpower the guard saver. He was therefore the first Grimaldi to reign over Monaco.

Francesco Grimaldi
Gardens Monaco

This is what I took home with me from my short trip to Nice:

  • There is no such thing as bad wather, if you are close to a beach
  • Enjoy everyday of beeing somewhere new
  • Bring propper shoes

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What you always wanted to know about online Life Coaching

What are the causes of burn-out2022-01-07T20:01:09+01:00

One thing is clear here and that is that a burn-out does not occur overnight, but over a longer period of time, sometimes even years. Otherwise, there are many possible factors that promote burn-out.

If one follows the opinion of the WHO, burn-out only develops at the workplace, through the external stress there. But there are also other factors that play a big role here. And often it is not only an external stress, but this is still strengthened by internal factors.

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Who can suffer from burnout?2022-01-16T11:07:42+01:00

Here, one can particularly highlight 3 groups of people. What all three groups have in common is that they are people who are highly self-motivated and want to achieve a lot on their own initiative. Only the motives are different.

Group 1: Perfectionists

In this group we find people who are very ambitious and committed to the tasks assigned to them and who want to get it right down to the last dot.

Group 2: Performance-oriented people

This group consists of very determined, dynamic people. They like to exert themselves and often enjoy doing so. However, if there is a lack of recognition from outside or if there are failures, this situation can become very stressful. This group also needs a certain amount of freedom to pursue their goals and needs a high degree of self-responsibility.

Group 3: Selfless people

This group approaches things with a lot of idealism. They are often selfless and responsible. They care about the welfare of others above all else. We usually find them in social professions.

These groups certainly do not describe all unambiguously and there are certainly also affected and endangered who have a mixture of the described characteristics, but should also only give an impression.

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Stronger against Burn-out

Forest path with sunbeams

Job, family, free time – sometimes it’s all too much for you?
Learn strategies that make you STRONGER!

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Life Balance

There is a lot of talk concerning finding your life balance. There is also more than one live balance model out there, but the one I like is from  Nossrat Peseschkian.

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A graph showing perceived competence on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The curve depicts the 6 phases of change.

Change your life

You are facing a life change? No matter if the change is dictated to you by external factors or you want that change your life- it is always an emotional process.

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A person at the center on whom the environment, family, hobbies, workplace and values/beliefs have an impact.

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What do I find in the Learning section?2021-12-23T19:19:06+01:00

You will find what I experienced and how it made me the person I am now. Because in every challenge there is also something to learn about yourself. The biggest and ongoing learning is to be yourself- against all doubt from yourself and others.

Also, you get some free input about methods I use during the Life Coaching and how they worked for me. Not every method will work for you too, but I am sure together we can find something that works for you!

Read more of my learnings

2021-04-10T15:06:04+02:00By |Travel|

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