Do you know those kinds of days where everything comes together? You had a stressful day at work, when you get home your kids want something or your partner wants something, you don’t get to rest at all. You’re lying in bed not being able to fall asleep because you are still wound up.

Stressmanagement- Stressed out? Find what calms you down.

Stressed out? Find what calms you down. Before you can find out what your stress factors are we have a look at what stress is and what causes it for you. Once you know your stress factors you can start reducing them using different strategies. And finaly take time to relax!

What causes stress?

Let’s first talk about different forms of stress. There is positive and negative stress. While the bodily reactions are the same, the impact on you is different.

The same situations can create both kinds of stress for different persons. Imagine this situation: A person stands on top of a mountain, with skies, and has to ski down that steep slope.

If the person is an experienced skier, this situation creates a feeling of pleasant anticipation and excitement- positive stress. It is a positive challenge because the person knows that it is doable and going to be a fun challenge.

But in that same situation, that same slope, when the person is a beginner the thoughts are different. They create a lot of negative stress. The thoughts of that person go along the line of: “I will never make it down there.” or “I will break my leg, going down!”.

There are two things to take away from this:

  • Stress is something very subjective
  • Our feeling of readiness changes if we perceive a situation as stressful or not
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Find out, what stresses you and how you can change that situation

There are different sources of stress. To find out what calms you down you first have to find out your sources of stress. They can be found at your workplace, in your family, in the environment as well as in your core values.

Once you found out what your stress factors are you can go ahead and find ways to minimize your stress. There are a couple of possibilities to do that.

Kick them out of your life

Is what stresses you possible to delegate to somebody else? You don’t have to do everything yourself! There are things others can do for you, like a college or your significant other or a friend.

Can you change your situation in such a way, that those stress factors will leave your life? Is there a possibility to change rooms in your house, so you don’t hear the noisy street anymore? Or, can you shuffle your day in a way that you get some time to relax? Instead of racing home after work, is there somebody who can take care of the kids for half an hour longer or can you leave a little earlier, so you can take a short stroll? Not every day, but maybe once a week.

Lessen the impact

Is there a way you can change your perception of the situation?

Your co-worker never gets the tasks done in time and then you have to do everything in less time to keep the timeline? Is this true? Do you always have to cover? Talk to your boss and ask him to give both of you separate timelines.

Empower yourself

There is a situation you always feel very anxious about which causes you negative stress. Can you do something to feel better about it?

Take the person supposed to ski down a slope. Would the beginner after some hours of practicing get more confidence in the ability to ski down? I am sure, that this is the case.

With more confidence in your abilities, a situation might get less stressful. What is your skiing lesson?

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Take time to relax

Whichever form of stress you have experienced, your body and mind need time to relax. And yes, that counts also for the positive stress in your life!

There are different forms of relaxation. Find the one that fits you. If you are more the visual type of person, going to the cinema or an art gallery might relax you. On the other hand, if you are more an auditive person a concert or listening to your favorite music will help you relax. And there is also the bodily type of person who maybe needs to go for a run or needs a massage. There is no one-fits-all formula to this. Stop listening to what others are telling you to do to relax. Try out what works best for you!

And please, don’t feel bad for taking time for yourself.

Others depend on you, and you can’t use even a few minutes for yourself? Well, how would those people cope if you get sick? Take care of yourself, only then you can also take care of others.

We all need breaks!

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Stressed out? Find what calms you down. To do this keep the following in mind:

  • Identifying your stress factors
  • Minimizing your stress factors
  • Taking time to relax- without a bad conscience

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Graphic centered on work-life balance and 4 topics that contribute to it: Family/ Social Contacts; Work/ Finance; Body/ Health and Meaning/ Values

Life Balance

An important factor of burnout prevention is your individual life balance. We are happy to go deeper into this in a one-on-one coaching session or you can take the time for the “Time to reflect”.

A graph showing perceived competence on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The curve depicts the 6 phases of change.

Change your life

The O in the STONG formula speaks of open for change. This is not an easy thing to do.

If you are facing a change right now and you need support, we can do that in a one-on-one coaching session.

A person at the center on whom the environment, family, hobbies, workplace and values/beliefs have an impact.

Stress management

You know that this is your topic to work on. Then we can focus together on the TR and G from the STRONG formula. This goes again in the individual coaching or the workshop “Time to reflect”.