Offer and Prices2022-10-03T20:03:10+02:00


Here you can find my offer of workshops. I am sure you can find the right one for you!

Workshop Date Time Location Register and more information
Stronger against burnout October 22nd, 2022 1pm to 7pm Online More
Time to reflect November 5th, 2022 2pm to 6pm Online More
Stronger against burnout December 17th, 2022 1pm to 7pm Online More
Time to reflect December 27th, 2022 2pm to 6pm Online More

1 to 1 coaching

My offer for you, 1 on 1 online (MS Teams) sessions on your topic.

The first step is always a free initial consultation. We take 60 minutes to get to know each other and to define your goals for the coaching.

Depending on your goals, we will agree on a time frame for our collaboration and also record your goals in writing. We clarify the intervals at which we will meet for the 90-minute coaching sessions that follow.

The first meeting is without obligation and doesn’t mean you have to start working with me, so what do you have to lose?

Just contact me and we will make an appointment!

Price: Depends on your goal, so we will discuss it at the first meeting.

Burnout Coaching


You want to learn more about my topics for a group?

Whether for your company or privately, feel free to contact me if you are looking for a talk on the following topics:

You can have a look at a small excerpt (only in german) of how such a lecture could look like here on the topic of life balance.

Price: On request

What others say about me

Thank you very much, for your always valuable advice and the open ear. I appreciate the exchange with you and your profound and situationally appropriate questions and impulses very much. They always give me an exciting and new perspective on the situation and help me to work on the topics strengthened and with new inspiration. Janina
Thank you for your valuable assessment Tanja 😊👍
You are such a great, cheerful person. So many more will benefit from this.

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What you always wanted to know about online Life Coaching

What does a Life Coach do?2021-12-23T19:20:53+01:00

A Life Coach will help you to take a good look at your life and see all the good things as well as work with you on the topics you would like to improve. He will help you to see the strength you have, the resources you can build on and change the perspective on some things.

Learn more

What is Life Coaching all about?2021-12-23T19:21:59+01:00

In my point of view Life Coaching is all about your challenges in life. Whether to balance your life the way it is good for you, coping with stress or facing changes – these are all topics I am happy to support you with!

Learn more

What do I find in the Learning section?2021-12-23T19:19:06+01:00

You will find what I experienced and how it made me the person I am now. Because in every challenge there is also something to learn about yourself. The biggest and ongoing learning is to be yourself- against all doubt from yourself and others.

Also, you get some free input about methods I use during the Life Coaching and how they worked for me. Not every method will work for you too, but I am sure together we can find something that works for you!

Read more of my learnings

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